
Difficult Airway

The Anatomy

You must prepare the kit to be utilised when you find your patient with some anatomical problems, such as the chin; evaluated by the Thyromental distance. If you ask your patient to open their mouths widely, the relative size of the patient's tongue to intraoral structures such as Uvula, Tonsillar pillars, and posterior pharyngeal wall can help you predict the difficulty of your patient's airway.

This Method is called Mallampati's Classification. The easier airway means that lower grade on Mallampati's which means that you can have a glimpse on your patient's uvula and tonsils, while the more difficult airway means that you cannot see your patient's uvula and the tongue is relatively big in the oral cavity.


Endotracheal Intubation any Contraindications??

Once upon a time, there was a question raised by a Medical Student asking his consultant whether or not there are contraindications not to intubate the patient's trachea.

That Consultant told her experience regarding the incident.

One consultant immediately replied her, yes if that unfortunate patient does not have a trachea, so we do not have to perform an intubation.

More situations can be contraindications to intubate the trachea as well, what your answer would be??


Direct Laryngoscope

The force to open the airway by DL Direct Laryngoscope is to elevate not the fulcrum on upper incisors.

Another thing besides the position of the laryngoscopic blade is the position of the performer elbow. It should not be in Flex position.  Some put their elbows on the operating table which is comparable to the ENT Surgeons.