
Department Education Conference

We, the staffs of our beloved department, gathered together to share and discuss about the education for medical students and our residents. It is a must for the department to follow according to quality assurance of education (Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education; TQF: HEd), that every single year 80% of the staffs must attend a conference to plan, follow and review for every course. Although it may not be able to achieve a goal of 80%, but the attmosphere inside the deparment conference room is great. Creative ideas are suggested, listened and get a review.

From the undergraduate team, the theme was "What can we give to medical students?". We have to focus on the main subject, SIAS 501; that we have to teach our students, we change the topics of lectures, and case studies. We hoped that simulation will start real soon so that we can use this type of education to teach the crisis management especially anaesthesia related complications. We have checklists for medical students for bedside teaching so that every staff can have an idea what we can discuss and talk to our students.

In an era of modern technology and internet, we will definitely apply the internet, and paperless for education for the medical students, lectures and powerpoint files will be added in the the e-learning platform by the hospital database.

For the residents, we discuss about rotation change, types of education that may work well with adult education.

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