Anaesthesia outside OR can be a big challenge if there is something goes out of plan, because the environment is different from the traditional OR setting. The Radiology table, for instance, cannot be adjusted to a trendelenberg position if the patient regurgitates or vomits.
Inside the CathLab, after you have discussed with your patient, then he/she would be entered the room, monitored for cardiac rhythm (planned for termination of arrhythmias, pacemaker implant or electrophysiologic study, EPS) or ST-segment or coronary angiogram (in the coronary artery disease patients). In paediatric patients, they are scheduled for right or left heart or both sides study, with some kinds of congenital anomalies either cyanotic or not.

Inside the CathLab, after you have discussed with your patient, then he/she would be entered the room, monitored for cardiac rhythm (planned for termination of arrhythmias, pacemaker implant or electrophysiologic study, EPS) or ST-segment or coronary angiogram (in the coronary artery disease patients). In paediatric patients, they are scheduled for right or left heart or both sides study, with some kinds of congenital anomalies either cyanotic or not.
The ambulatory service or day-case means that you have to evaluate your patients on the day of the procedure, and the space or the room to perform that may be a tiny area in the waiting as well as the recovery area.

Inside the CathLab, after you have discussed with your patient, then he/she would be entered the room, monitored for cardiac rhythm (planned for termination of arrhythmias, pacemaker implant or electrophysiologic study, EPS) or ST-segment or coronary angiogram (in the coronary artery disease patients). In paediatric patients, they are scheduled for right or left heart or both sides study, with some kinds of congenital anomalies either cyanotic or not.

The choice of anaesthesia can be variable from local anaesthesia to light sedation to deep sedation or through general anaesthetics, it will depend on the procedure planned, the placement of transoesophageal echocardiography probe placement.

One thing you have to keep in mind is the occupational hazard from the radiation, yes, we have much less exposure compared to our cardiologist counterpart, but we do have to protect ourselves as well.
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