
Anaesthesia plan for a healthy patient

Some patients are transferred to you with their good history of their health, no underlying diseases, as a sport representative for their colleges, either elective or emergency, they should be evaluated as a chronic patient is performed. History taking process can be simultaneously performed with clinical evaluation, any problem with their cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Confirm or verify that the history as a previously healthy is genuine, because as the first or the highest priority for anaesthesia service is safety.

Preoperative evaluation in this patient group may be on the day of surgery especially when we consider the cost of hospital admission for a healthy ASA 1 has to wait at the surgical ward without necessary preoperative preparation or procedure prior their operative plan. Not only the cost, the extensive evaluation or laboratory testing are rarely required in this patient before their uncomplicated procedures.

Basic non-invasive monitoring is usually enough for their anaesthetic care, it is uncommon for the need of more invasive monitoring in this patient group.

Of course, a very successful anaesthetic care has to be a joining hand of both anaesthetic team member and the surgical team member, so that the needs from both team are not overlooked and taken into account.

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