
Importance of basic Sciences; Pharmacology

Pharmacology is an essential part of an anaesthesist ' s life, we administer many drugs to ensure our patients' safe journey during their operation. We not only give anaesthetics agents, but we are also responsible for antibiotics/ chemotherapeutic agent to prevent perioperative infection complication, even the anticoagulant is sometimes we do have to put to our patients' vein to allow the surgical team to perform some procedures involving the vascular trees to prevent thrombosis.

Oh! we can administer insulin when we are resuscitating a patient with high risk for hyperkalaemia or we are titrating insulin for glycaemic control. What's about vasoactive agents, either vasoconstrictor or vasodilator, we can manage it with our competence and it also includes the inotropic agents to help promote the myocardial contractility. Antiemetic is also an integral part of anaesthetic care because severe postoperative nausea and vomiting can cause an unplanned hospital admission. Exogenous steroid to minimise the risk of anaphylaxis or help stabilise the cardiovascular function when our patient is a steroid user.

We are also experienced in pulmonary route of drug adminstration, not only the volatile anaesthetics for our patients, with the nebuliser we can give the drugs just to the upper airway such as local anaesthetics to facilitate endotracheal intubation or epinephrine to decrease the laryngeal oedema, we also nabulised the bronchodilators to the distal airway.

You may feel that we can give our patients too many drugs during their surgical procedure, we have to understand and know well nearly all classes of the scope of Pharmacology with just one exception that we normally do not use it; the chemotherapy for cancer.

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