
Scoring an ESSAY

A MedStudent Response to an ESSAY about an aged man with anemia and colonic mass

1. Hypochromic microcytic anemia is likely iron deficiency from lower GI bleeding. The consequences of anemia is reduced oxygen content leading to hypoxaemia which will stimulate the peripheral chemoreceptor and sympathetic system to increase the work of breathing, and stimulate the CVS to increase cardiac output to increase tissue oxygenation and myocardial oxygen demand.
Therefore, we have to concern hypoxia and myocardial ischaemia during his anaesthetics

2. An ageing man: look for his hidden underlying diseases; DM, hypertension, with lower metabolic rate and reduced renal function would affect the motabolism and drug excretion, and prone to drug toxicity

3. Colonic mass : the mass could affect peristalsis, bowel function, increase the risk of delayed gastric emptying then prone to pulmonary aspiration, delayed feeding in postoperative period and malnutrition

Great, isn't it?

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