
Absolutely not Minor!!

For medical students and new medical graduates or young doctors, if you are in the process of decision making to become an anaesthetist in the near future, you have to understand and know what we are routinely doing for each single day. When you are doing your anaesthetics rotation, you may get some happy time because you have participated in the patient care, you can perform some skills by your hands which is totally different from other specialties which you become an observer and distant yourself from the care process.

You have to realise that you will not receive an ASA 1 every single day, when you are working with your supervisor, we can manipulate the surgical list to match the competency of medical students, so it is also not the real world. Working in an operating theatre should be paired to an ICU bed, imagine you are performing shock resuscitation, close monitoring, airway and ventilator support, and more for your patient, it is like that the anaesthesia world.

We are just worried that you have chosen us, the specialty, because you have thought that it is not hardworking, it is fun and thought that even the nurse can perform why can't I? You are misunderstanding something dear. If you think you can work in an ICU environment for every single day for the rest of your life, this challenging world is calling for you, dear.

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