
Crisis management in Anaesthetics

When you have put your patients under anaesthetics adventure, you have to realise what priority after anaesthetics induction you have to do further more. You may need to monitor the blood pressure after the induction dose is given which may reduce the systolic blood pressure, therefore, you must have vigilance to anticipate what may come up next, let the more important things be on your watch lists so that you would not lose your patient contact and delay in your patient management.

In an anaesthetics for a grandpa for robotic surgery, you knew that he was a big guy, so you have to prepare for adequate ventilation support after a successful endotracheal intubation, you can definitely preset your ventilator setting, so that you can switch it on when the time comes. Instead of looking at your patient response to ventilator setting, one was busy in an IV cannulation while the other one was concentrated on more monitoring probes, so it took seven minutes to detect that your patient was hypoventilated and the first response was just after that time point.

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