
Report discussion : The Oral Presentation

Report Discussion by MedStudent about what they think and translate anaesthesia service into their presentation.............

Each student will have 15 minutes to discuss about preoperative medical problems their patients have, and what to do or prepare for their patients so that we can avoid perioperative complications. They also have to discuss the choice of anaesthesia which way they should proceed, and also postoperative management, any problems and pain control.

Some questions may be asked according to time available such as......

MS : oxygen was administer 3 lpm....
ABC : what does it mean? at what levels of inspired concentration you gave to your patient? you did not give a clue on which apparatus you utilised, you may harm your patient if you used a simple facemask...
MS : oxygen 3 lpm via a nasal cannula...
ABC : that sounds better and we can imagine that

MS : anaesthetic was maintained by.... oxygen and air are given at the rate of 1 lpm each......
ABC : just would love to know the FiO2 level you mentioned, can you tell us please...
MS : .........(silence is definitely not golden '')
ABC : that's all right, it is quite unexpected by you being asked this question ไม่ได้เก็งข้อสอบข้อนี้มากระมัง!!!

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