
Wrong Number??

Cardiac Care Unit or Intensive Care Unit

In the middle of the night, a call from recovery room nurse asking you for help was made, you told them that you will go to have a look of the previously healthy young guy who was anaesthetised by another consultant. You reviewed the history and learned that his HR was 150+, BP 100/60, RR 28-32 with dyspnoea, urine for 3 hours in RR was only 70 ml and you were thinking of severe sepsis from his necrotising fasciitis, so you asked the RR nurse to measure the temperature, and it was 37.8 via axillary route. Although you had given 2 units of blood (OR EBL was 800 ml), and crystalloids, but it seemed that he was fluid non-responsive. Finally you decided to call the ICU nurse to get the ICU bed access.

On the phone, you told ICU nurse that your patient was tachycardic, and the HR was now at 155/min.
On the Reply "Why don't you call for the CCU admission?? he is tachycardic, isn't he?".

How would you explain the ICU nurse to get the booking??

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