
An LMA : a Laryngeal Mask Airway

An LMA is now a very popular airway equipment in use in the anaesthesia and emergency medicine world. It can offer less stress response in the patient, is considered as an airway alternative to an endotracheal tube, and can be an option when the difficult airway management either ventilation or intubation may be encountered.

In the United Kingdom, anaesthesia trainees have to share their experiences in the placement of LMA with the paramedics trainees, because the latter group has to practice and manage the airway as the primary personnel sometimes at the scene, they also have to log their experiences for their certified examination.

The following are the sequences of putting an LMA to the right position, the patient has suffered airway difficulty because of his job before the accident was an official working at the Electricity Generating Authority of the Kingdom.

An LMA sometimes comes from a Loss of My Airway, it depends on whose hands that use the equipment to place it in the most proper position, otherwise you cannot put it in and traumatise the airway or it may become partially airway obstruction or in the worst case of all : you cannot ventilate your patient with it.

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