
Medical ethics & Formative Evaluation

We have taught our medical students some insights about medical ethics from anaesthesist's point of views. The principles are mainly adapted from the Belmont report which is worldwide recognised in the USA. It includes the principles of respect of persons, beneficiance, and justice.

You should respect every single patient in front of you the best appropriate way, for example; continuous ECG electrodes you should be careful not to expose your patient 's body too much, if you just would love to know the cardiac rhythm you can place the electrode on the shoulders and leg, not have to expose your patient's chest. Religion is a highly sensitive issue, you do have to realise that and keep your management according to that. Secret or confidentiality is always a secret, do not have to share or tell somebody else what your patient has.

You must weigh the risk and benefit, first, before performing and giving your patient care, if you have calculated that the risk is far less than that of better patient benefit, so you should proceed that. Conflict of interest is also a topic that you have to concern.

For the fairness and justice; the standard of care should be only one standard, not the double trouble.

We also ask our medical students about the Organisation culture, the motto, the vision or whatever the institute thinks or believes in and try at the very best to achieve. 

        S = Seniority,  I = Integrity, R = Responsibility,                         I = Innovation
        R = Respect, A = Altrulism, J = Journey to Excellence and                                             Sustainablity 

The example of power of Facebook is shown here, you should not discuss your patient over the world wide web, because you are not keeping your patient's only secret. How could you discuss your pregnant lady underwent emergency caesarean procedure here! How could you???

After the medical ethics is discussed, we talk with our medical student on the formative evaluation at the mid-rotation period. We discuss the requirement for new medical graduates by the Thai Medical Council. Some skills are important and they should pay their attention to.

The Figure below is for Department of Anesthesiology at the mid-rotation feedback form, we got this form from UWSMPH, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

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