
Complications from Regional Anaesthesia

Indeed regional anaesthesia can harm your patient as well as general anaesthetics, however, it will depend on the technique employed and patients' conditions. Sometimes choosing the best appropriate choice between GA and RA is done because of the patients' conditions and anticipation which one would harm the patient more, and sometimes RA could lead to complications.

First of all we have to learn and know about the agent utilised for the regional or local application, so you can  beware what to look for such as systemic toxicity can present with CNS or seizures or with the cardiac or Ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation or even cardiac arrest.

Then we have review the route of drug administration; epidural, spinal, caudal or just peripheral nerve blockade, because each inject site will lead to its own subsequences.

The Thai Medical Council now just recommends new medical graduates to know just the technique and know just this is RA, do not have to perform this, but it asks everyone to be able to perform lumbar puncture but no need for spinal/ intrathecal anaesthesia.

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