
Yesteryear Once More!

During working at the department office we discussed a lot about Competency Based Learning, so we wandered around and I can find some photo I took in Last May (2011/2554) during I attended the Asia Pacific Conference about Simulation in Health Care.

From the Speaker of National University of Singapore, he mentioned about the Competency the new 1st year Anaesthesia Residents should be able to perform after a period of one month can be shown here. The baby MO = Medical Officers.

If you are looking for the previous post about the meeting click here.

Compare to Simulation the traditional way of teaching is....

Student Feedback from SBL.

Debriefing period, and the things that our students should get with them out of the class is indeed the new way of thinking.

What's Simulation? This question was the response from my Department Chair, She really did ask me when I submitted her an article about the way of teaching medical students with this means.

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