

The meaning of sepsis syndrome has to be learned, one has to remember that sometimes it happens before surgery or as a cause brought our patients to us, or it can occur in the perioperative care pathway as complications.

Sepsis is the combined SIRS with Infection, therefore when you receive a septic patient transferred to you it seems to be a source of infection somewhere in his/her body, it can be that surgical cause such as peritonitis from hollow viscus perforation or as complications such as hospital acquired pneumonia. While SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is comprised of 4 items, there are tachycardia, fever or hypothermia, tachypnea or respiratory alkalosis, and leukopenia or leukocytosis. However, you have to search for more detials of each content about the number for each criteria.

Giving anaesthetics to these challenging patients is also a challenge for anaesthetists, you have many things to do in the intraoperative period, anticipate the problems that may occur on the operating table, and plan wisely for the postoperative course.

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